Privacy Policy and processing of personal data
The present policy of confidentiality and processing of personal data regulates the order of processing and usage of personal and other data of the site (further - the Operator). The current version of the present Privacy Policy is available for reviewing at any time, and can be found on the Internet at:
By transferring the personal and other data to the Operator via the Site the User confirms his consent to the use of the data on the conditions stated in the present Privacy Policy.
If the User does not agree with the terms of the present Privacy Policy, he/she must stop using the Site.
The unconditional acceptance of the present Privacy Policy is when the User starts using the Site.
1.1 Website is the site located on the Internet at
All the exclusive rights to the Site and its separate elements (including the software and design) belong to the Operator in full. The transfer of the exclusive rights to the User is not the subject of the present Privacy Policy.
1.2 The User is a person using the Site.
1.3. Legislation means the applicable laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1.4 Personal data means personal data of the User, which the User provides independently during registration or while using the functionality of the Website.
1.5 Data means other data about the User (not included in the concept of personal data).
1.6 Registration - filling of the registration form, located on the Website, by indicating the necessary information and sending scanned documents.
1.7 Registration Form means the form, located on the Website, which the User has to fill in in order to be able to use the Website in full.
1.8 Service(s) - services provided by the Operator on the basis of the agreement.

2.1 The Operator collects and stores only those Personal Data which are necessary for the provision of the Services by the Operator and interaction with the User.
2.2 Personal data may be used for the following purposes:
2.2.1 provision of Services to the User;
2.2.2 User identification;
2.2.3 Communication with User;
2.2.4 sending advertising materials, information and requests to the User;
2.2.5. Statistics and other researches;
2.3 The Operator, among other things, processes the following data:
2.3.1 surname, first name and middle name;
2.3.2. e-mail address; 2.3.3;
2.3.3 phone number (including cell phone number).
2.4 The user is forbidden to indicate the personal data of third parties on the Site (except for the condition of representing the interests of these persons, having the documentary evidence of the third parties to perform such actions).
3.1 The Operator undertakes to use Personal Data in accordance with the Personal Data Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Operator's internal documents.
3.2 With regards to the Personal Data and other User's Data their confidentiality is preserved, except the cases when the mentioned data is publicly available.
The Operator shall have the right to keep an archive copy of the Personal Data.
The Operator has the right to store Personal Data and Data on servers outside the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3.4 The Operator shall be entitled to transfer the User's Personal Data and Data without the User's consent to the following:
3.4.1 to state authorities, including bodies of inquiry and investigation, and local authorities upon their motivated request;
3.4.2 in other cases directly stipulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3.5. The Operator has the right to transfer Personal Data and Data to third parties not specified in clause 3.4. of this Privacy Policy in the following cases:
3.5.1 The User has expressed his consent to such actions;
3.5.2 The transfer is necessary as part of the User's use of the Site or the provision of Services to the User;
3.6 The Operator carries out automated processing of Personal Data and Data.
4.1 The Operator ensures adequate protection of Personal Data and other data in accordance with the Legislation and takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures for protection of Personal Data.
4.2 The applied protection measures allow, among other things, to protect Personal Data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties with it.
5.1 The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is applicable to this Privacy Policy and the relations between the User and the Operator, arising in connection with the application of the Privacy Policy.
5.2. All possible disputes, arising from this Agreement, shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation in force at the place of the Operator's registration.
Before going to court, the User must follow the mandatory pre-trial procedure and send the relevant claim to the Operator in writing. The term for responding to the claim is 30 (thirty) working days.
5.3 If, for whatever reason, one or more provisions of the Privacy Policy are deemed invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Privacy Policy.
5.4 The Operator has the right to change the Privacy Policy (in whole or in part) unilaterally at any moment without prior agreement with the User. All the changes come into force from the moment of its publication on the Site.
5.5 The User undertakes to independently monitor changes in the Privacy Policy by familiarizing themselves with the current edition.
5.6 All suggestions or questions on this Privacy Policy should be reported by e-mail or by phone: +77059603387
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